Hello Again

Well I'm back. I'm annexing from livejournal and coming back to blogs. I dunno. I liked the simplicity of livejournal but everyone's poastages are far too connected . Plus I get to be a lot more creative on blogs.
You know, I have had an online journal now for over three and a half years. That's a long time. I had one right before Grade 12 started. It's just interesting to see how much had changed.
And now blogger has made posting images on it a lot easier, and for that I am delighted!
Plus...no matter how hard I tried, I could never say anything less than surface stuff on my livejournal. It was starting to drive me nuts.
Well I will probably start posting a lot more on this now that I feel less censored. I had this blog a long time ago but I doubt anyone will remember that and that's ok.
Oh UNREAL!!! I don't have to host images on blogger, and I'm not limited to three !!!Haha, such fun!!
Why did I ever go to livejournal ???
Well I liked it for awhile. It was soo easy to move stuff around. But yeah.
If you know this site, please don't link or tell anyone about it. I'd prefer to only have people I know/trust viewing this site.
Tsk. Well I am off for the moment.