Saturday, December 02, 2006

The Move to Adulthood

Rereading that last post was very satisfying for me. It's almost 10 months later, and my entire life has changed. Everything that had been familiar in that life is gone, or changed. The only thing I can relate to there is...well, me.

I will get back to this.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Sometimes when I'm exercising in the basement, or messing around on the comp, I get to thinking about how things have changed. I realize that it's been six weeks since I've seen any of my old friends, weeks since we've even spoken to each other. I love them just as much, but I wonder at how I have changed.
It doesn't bother me anymore whether I go out much or not. I've grown very fond of my room over the past year. I prefer to spend many nights of the week in solitude. I enjoy it and look forward to it. This isn't really any different, except I find it a lot more difficult to be active, busy, on the go all the time. I prefer to sit back and ponder things, or just sit in my own little world, just like I used to.
When I was little, this didn't bother me in the least. I was not a social kid. I liked going to birthday parties and having classmate pals, and also being on good terms with everyone. But when it came to my leisure time, I prefered to play alone, or sometimes with my sister. I never had a problem with this until I was about 10 or 11, when I started getting a vibe that this was not normal or healthy. So I labored over this fact, grew stressed and worried that I wasn't normal, and vowed to change. And over time, I began to become very obsessed with my social "status"- not necessarily in the popular/unpopular way, but I just really really wanted a solid group of friends with which to spend my time. Although I still spent lots of time in my own little world, that little world was usually made up of fantasizing about friends or my school crush, and my motives for being alive were to build social relationships. Whether I enjoyed it or not. I just wanted to seem normal. So gradually I didn't feel comfortable in my own little world of fantasy anymore. I would tell myself that I was a loser, or some wierd abnormal person when I didnt focus on the social aspect. This motive grew from the time I was 10 or 11 into an obsession in Grade 7, peaking to the point of cracking in Grade 9. After this year, I had felt as though I had , after a tumultuous year of trying to build friendships, figured out what I really wanted in a friend/group of friends.
And then Junior High ended, and High School began, with the Great Split, in which all the friends I felt I had made "scattered" and "went down bad paths", leaving me behind in the cold. Although really, I should have seen that what I had in Grade 9, although temporarily satisfying, would not last- once school ended, I spent the summer not seeing anyone!
Grade 10 I lost touch with most of these "friends" and instead cultivated a small but close knit circle of friends, of which I was too depressed from losing the "friends" from my group to really appreciate in full. These friends were H*, E*, and M*. When I actively saught to relieve my depression from finding that "goal" dissolve in my face, I had a few secure months ( although how secure really ? So much drama....) in which I made connections with S* and J* to add to M*, H*, and E*. And I felt very comfortable with this group. I felt that I had found a group of friends who were true friends. And then through Grade 12 this all split apart-with H* and J*'s new image and friends, my group became S*, E*, and eventually T* as well, with M* as always. This was depressing because I valued those friendships so much, but it wasn't the same as Grade 10- in Grade 12, while there was the split, I was very active socially and busied my time mingling- Mi*, Ma*, R*/comp, Mir*, sometimes the H's, HC*....all these people became important, if not really close, figures in my life. And although there were some tumultuous times, I was happy. Then high school ended, university began, and all of those casuals began to dissolve. M* became a big figure of my social life, as well as B* until school ate her up:), and I found some enjoyment in drinking and such. Then , halfway through first year, I became very close with R*/comp. This was probably the happiest point in my life; second term of first year. Social, on the go all the time, but yet I enjoyed it, I became especially close to C*, Kr*, and K*, with R0*, R*, H* and all being important background figures.
Then once the romance "triangles" began, that all dissolved and a new atmosphere transformed- one where K* was more boyfriend. These first months were absolutely wonderful, but sad at the same time, because having K* as my boyfriend meant losing C* and Kr* as close friends, and this was very difficult for me. I spent less and less time with others ( although really, since first year in feb I had begun to spend less time with the others anyways and more with R*/comp). After the shift, "robbie's" did not feel the same to me and I did not get the same enjoyment out of being down there; especially since C* did not come down anymore and Ro* eventually broke up with R*. This changed the group dynamic considerably and I didn't get much from going down, so I didn't. I worked at school and saw K*, and was ok with that, except school was so damn stressful that year. Then I had an interesting summer, and saw R* and them more, but enjoyed R*'s company more without the rest.
School started with a completly new feel. Gone was my zeal for pretty much everything, but it's not like my ambition died. I just became more complacent, and with that less adjusted to stress. I had a lovely light semester when everyone else had a heavy one, and I began to grow new interests and pastimes- namely video games and anime. Having actual pastimes besides socializing changed my outlook, ambitions, and energy- I was no longer content to just drive myself to the limit at school and work like mad outside of it. I , in fact, became a bit lazy, and for the first time in years, began to throughly enjoy it. I still did what was necessary at school, and it seemed easier to get through putting a bit less into it- I still did well.
This semester my workload was upped a fair bit from last, but I found it somehow more manageable. I have my pastimes; exercising, anime, and video games, or which I am graetful for, and this means I am back to my roots. My solitude has grown precious, but with it, it's harder to play fake social when I need to. I don't feel as friendly. But I am no less happy.
The only problem, and the reason for this post, is the guilt. This constant wave of guilt at letting things go that I "shouldn't"? To not try.
But looking at this timeline, I am realizing that..
Maybe it wasn't all me ? Maybe things changed on their own, at least in part ?
I am not trying to get rid of any blame on trying less, just diffuse it. Things changed as well as myself. My friends changed too. They haven't been complacent. After all, M* had 9 months with S*. That's a nine month stretch in there. She's into bars, and there's nothing wrong with that- and I realized, that while I definetly enjoy the odd bar trip , espeically if I go all out, get so drunk I'll pour my heart out and have a blast, but on the whole....I prefer a quiet life.
I think my next goal is to stop internally blaming myself for everything that has been lost. After all, haven't I gained tremendously as well ?
Ah. Happy Birthday to me :).

Monday, February 06, 2006

Desperate for an Ending

I would love, more than anything in the world, to have back the person I fell in love with.
I'm beginning to think this may never come back.
Such a stupid situation. Such an UNFAIR situation.
Why can't it just stay on track ? Why can't you just take that stick out of your ass and let things go sometimes ?
And if you can't; What is the point in this?
If you love somebody, then you should be able to love them without feeling the need to control and change them; to make them more like yourself.
The best gift you can give somebody is freedom to make their own choices, values, and decisions.
It doesn't mean you have to be blind ; it just means you have to respect someone's intelligence enough to allow them to decide what goes on in their own life for themselves. You don't have all the answers, neither do I. We can't treat each other as though we do.
I'm at the end on this. I keep trying and it keeps ending up like this.
Tell me there is still a reason to keep trying.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Hello Again

Well I'm back. I'm annexing from livejournal and coming back to blogs. I dunno. I liked the simplicity of livejournal but everyone's poastages are far too connected . Plus I get to be a lot more creative on blogs.
You know, I have had an online journal now for over three and a half years. That's a long time. I had one right before Grade 12 started. It's just interesting to see how much had changed.
And now blogger has made posting images on it a lot easier, and for that I am delighted! matter how hard I tried, I could never say anything less than surface stuff on my livejournal. It was starting to drive me nuts.
Well I will probably start posting a lot more on this now that I feel less censored. I had this blog a long time ago but I doubt anyone will remember that and that's ok.
Oh UNREAL!!! I don't have to host images on blogger, and I'm not limited to three !!!Haha, such fun!!
Why did I ever go to livejournal ???
Well I liked it for awhile. It was soo easy to move stuff around. But yeah.
If you know this site, please don't link or tell anyone about it. I'd prefer to only have people I know/trust viewing this site.
Tsk. Well I am off for the moment.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

All Grown Up with so much still to learn...

And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day

Sometimes it's still hard to believe how much has changed since high school. In some ways I am still that same girl who cares so much about her good friends, would be there for anything and expects the same of them, strongly holding to what's right and wrong, so sure about that shiny future. But there's no denying that I've changed. I'm a little less naive, a little more jaded, a lot more sure of myself but a lot less sure of the world, and a lot more accepting that life just isn't fair a lot of the time.
I thought I would always have time for friends and always put them first no matter what. Then I fell in love. I fell in love at a time where I also had a lot more bills to pay ( i.e tuition ), and a lot more effort for school. And it became impossible to balance everyone.
I guess I never thought it would happen to me, I just always thought that those girls who saw their friends less and less were just being stupid and selfish. And maybe they are a little and maybe I am too, who knows.
Being in a long term and serious relationship was that last thing I had left to experience. And when I did, it changed everything. It changed how I saw my priorities. It changed how I saw myself. It wasn't just about me and my life and anymore. It was my life and someone else's, which became one and in the same in a lot of ways. This of course has its ups and downs. Less freedom to do whatever the hell I please, but it also came with a constant comfort that I was never really alone.
I can see myself spending my life with Kevin. Whether we will or not, well, that's impossible to determine. But I know it could work if it's meant to work. We click and I honestly don't think I could share the same bond with anyone else.
I care about my friends absolutely as much as before. I've constantly wished that I had more time to see them. And there are a couple that I really want back as a huge part of my life, like Megs and Bessy and Em. But I know I have to settle for less because I know what's coming will likely be no different. School will still be absorbing my weekends and I will still have a job that I work nights and weekends. I've accepted this and I'm okay about it. That's life for a lot of people and the 9 to 5 Mon/Fri ideal is much more rare. Besides, I like working some nights. As long as we keep in touch and try to get together as much as possible, it will be enough.
Because I'm not a high school kid anymore. It's not just my relationship, and never has been. There's all the stuff that takes away my time - work and school and studying. And I understand when my friends are too busy as well. I wouldn't have two years ago, but now I realize that we aren't kids anymore and can't hang out the way we used to as kids.
Kevin and I are planning on moving in together at the end of the school year. A big step, but really not so huge. We pretty well live together anyways, minus the sleeping together.
I know that things can change at the drop of a dime. Maybe someday Kevin and I will be a family. Maybe someday we'll separate ( I hope not though).
The one thing I've noticed about these past couple of years is how absolutely secure I am in myself. I have the life I want, although it's not perfect in the least.
Things I have done since high school :
Completed two years of university
Gone through four different jobs ( Zellers, Parks, Photloab, Bakery)
Quit my favorite job
First real relationship
Complete loss of four of my best high school friends
Painful letting go of my closest friend on my own
Making another group of friends, although not the same
Keeping two of my other best high school friends, although slightly distanced
Let go of my virginity
Stopped believing in Christianity
Changed carreer direction at least five times
Got my own room

All of this has made me a different person. Less trusting, but not less hopeful. I've completely moved on from losing the old friends and I feel nothing towards it.

Here's to becoming an adult. I am on my way.

Saturday, August 13, 2005


So young and innocent
But it died a long time ago
Just a memory
Of a faraway place
But I miss you today

Another summer come and gone. A long, somewhat disappointing, but not altogether terrible summer.
My priorities are straightening, whether temporarily or not. Another year of school starting up in less than four weeks.
I can hardly remember life without Kevin. Although it's only been fourteen months, my life has transformed compltely again. Now my sister has graduated from high school, and now we go on our way to become adults.
It's safe to say I am becoming an adult.
I don't know what to think of that right now.
My main thought for today is that I really want this gross long shift to be over, although tomorrow means a gross long day of writing up that paper. I doubt I will put as much effort into it. I doubt I will care too much.
It's good to have solid goals and direction again.
I am rediscovering just how good it feels to be lazy and not care.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Letting Go

I was reading an old friend's post about how she misses Grade 12 and the prom and all of that jazz, and other friends commented on how they did as well, but you know what ? I realized reading that post today that ...well, to be honest, I don't. I don't miss Grade 12 and I don't reminisce anymore about lost friends , lost times, and all that jazz. Grade 12 was a time and I have some good memories, but I don't live in them anymore. I live here. So many people I never saw again after graduation, so many friends I drifted apart from. Did I care ? Hmm. For a while , I suppose. But then I just thought about them less and less and somewhere down the line I got to the point where I just didn't connect. I love the past, well parts of it at least, but I wouldn't want to go back and live it again. I'm here now, just doing what I'm doing now. And it's enough.
And so. In six weeks, Kevin and I will celebrate our one year anniversary. One year. A year I've shared with someone else. It's been a nice year. Lots of wonderful times, a few hard times too.
I've learned a lot about love this past year. And I've learned about a side of myself I hadn't known too much about before.
I've grown very comfortable with myself and I find I don't need anyone else's approval with it either. I'm not an image and I'm not trying to be one anymore either. When I hear other people bragging about their wonderful relationships or how hot their guy or girl is, how hard they get everyone to notice that they have a relationship, I ...I just don't understand, I guess. I don't feel the need to do it. The whole romance image has never dont it for me. I just don't give a shit about diamonds and jewellery and well toned bodies and fancy weddings and "meeting the parents" and " love at first sight" and "made for each other" encounters and all that pomp and nonsense. I've never felt any substance in any of that stuff. To me that kind of romance is more about showing off the romance to the family or friends or anyone who will listen than actually living for the love. I guess for some people that stuff really does matter, and well, maybe it works for them, I don't know. But I've always thought that if you focus on those things too much then you stop focusing on the actual relationship - the stuff you do when noone's around, the stuff noone has to know about but the two of you. And that romance image stuff slowly erodes away over time. I've always seen relationships more as a commitment - something you are constantly putting in and taking out of, and I don't mean money or "stuff" either. I mean love. The little things you do for each other that are just for each other - the little things you do that you don't feel the need to brag to others about because it's something you share with each other and noone else. Loving each other and not basing that love by what anyone else thinks of it. Finding each other beautiful and not needing a general consensus that yup your guy or girl is hot - it's enough that you think so. Loving the little things about each other that noone else knows about. And above all not trying to live a romance movie or a fairytale, but just living your life with each other. It just kind of bothers me that people make such a big deal of the other kind of love and the love that means most gets no credit. And who knows ? Maybe the romance story love turns into the other love or something, I can't say - everyone has a different love story. But I think that kind takes away from the stuff that really matters.